Central United Methodist Church
Religion in Asheville NC
Central United Methodist Church provides ministries for children, youth, middle school, older youth, adults and older adults. Sign your child up for the weekday preschool. Find out about worship services, get directions, childcare, Sunday worship, live e-sermons, and missions including local, national and global. Get connected to journey groups, newcomers class, wonderful Wednesdays and prayer requests. On this site you can submit a prayer request, see the church calendar, resources, hear e-sermons, get the newsletter, visit the media center, do a Bible search and find United Methodist contacts.
Central United Methodist Church
The Church in San Diego
Religion in San Diego CA
A local church, the church in San Diego, enjoys Christ and recommends the ministry of Witness Lee, Watchman Nee. Church in San Diego, local church, local churches, Witness Lee, Watchman Nee, christians on campus, Lord's recovery, Recovery Version, Watchman Nee, witness lee, the local church, Living Stream Ministry, the local churches, LSM, amana, emanna, lord's recovery, recovery version, christians on campus, e-manna, local churches, watchman nee, recovery version, christians on campus, local church, witness lee, living stream, Jesus Christ, Jesus, lord's recovery, recovery version, God, Christians.
The Church in San Diego
Berean Baptist Church
Religion in Winston Salem NC
Click on the screenshot at left and learn more about the various church ministries. Read about the church's history. The online donations system allows you to donate online 24 hours a day. The church is located at 4135 Thomasville Road in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Berean Baptist Church
Grace Bible Church
Religion in Winston Salem NC
Grace Bible Church in Winston Salem, North Carolina. This site has details on church services, directions, a church calendar, directions to GBC, doctrinal statement, leadership and staff, membership, ministries, missions, history, pastor's power points, resources, services and testimonies. People in this assembly have come to know the grace and love of God in their personal lives through the systematic study of God's Word and the support of loving Christians.
Grace Bible Church
John Paul II Catholic
Religion in Tallahassee FL
This site has information on admissions, academics, curriculum, guidance, athletics, the parent corner, yearly calendar, Vatican Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee Florida Catholic South. John Paul II Catholic High School is known as the home of the Panthers.
John Paul II Catholic
Woodland Baptist Church
Religion in Winston Salem NC
An Independent Baptist Church which seeks to bring glory to God through the making of disciples. This is done by going into the world and preaching the gospel, through the marking of disciples by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and by the practical preaching and teaching of the word of God.
Woodland Baptist Church
Church of Scientology
Religion in Washington DC
Scientology claims to improve conditions in life, and to provide spiritual answers. Learn more about the Church of Scientology of Washington, DC. What is Dianetics? Click to view a local map for the Founding Church of Washington, D.C. What is Scientology? Learn about church founder L. Ron Hubbard's writings.
Church of Scientology
First Alliance Church
Religion in Calgary AB
First Alliance Church is located in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Their passion is reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ and changing lives to experience the love, grace and purpose of their Creator on an ever deepening level.
First Baptist Church of Newport News
Religion in Newport News VA
First Baptist Church of Newport News, Virginia website offers Missionary Connection, Current Christian News, worship service schedules including Sundays, 8:30 AM Traditonal Worship, 9:45 AM Sunday School, 11:00 AM Blended Worship, Hispanic life groups and much more.
First Baptist Church of Newport News
First Christian Church
Religion in Winston Salem NC
First Christian Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina is in the Disciples of Christ, offering education, youth fellowship, community, columbarium, weddings and ministry in Forsyth County. There is a place for you at First Christian Church, so they hope you will worship with them soon. They strive to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God in all that they do, say, and are so that others, through the power of the Holy Spirit, might come to know and serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
First Christian Church